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Home Based Recycling Business - Free resources and tools.

Download Census 2007 Tiger/Line Shapefiles
Free Tiger files now available for download in ESRI shapefile format.

Toxic Klamath River

Reimagination - Resources for Today and Tomorrow.

Most Terrifying Video
You'll Ever See

Global Regional
Climate Effects

Climate Change Maps
Climate Change Videos
Climate Change Data


Free TOPO and
Terrain Maps

USGS Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) Topographic Maps, Satellite and more.

GIS Maps of Africa

GIS Maps of Ecosystems

Environmental GIS Maps

GPS Global Positioning

Wireless Maps - cellular

Historical Maps

Health & GIS

GIS Tutorials

GIS Mapping Resources

Census Data & Maps

Digital Data & Maps

Toxic Release Maps

Climate Change Maps

GIS Explained

Learn about ANWR - Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


Recycle, Reuse and Renew - Coping with 21st centry climate change crisis and beyond.

Right to Know or Left to Wonder?


What Is GIS and How Does It Work?: Resources and free tutorial.


Soaring Cancer Rates Blamed On Chemicals: Epidemic is Preventable. New report from CCPA.

21st Century Warfare

Hazardscapes - Toxic and Nuclear Risks in your backyard.

War & Environment

Worst Case Scenarios: Terrorism & industrial chemicals.

progressive news view and books

poets against the war

World View of Global Warming

Journal of composting and organics recycling

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